Congress Communication & News

Caro collega,

siamo ormai prossimi all’inizio del 7° Congresso SIBE e in questo messaggio troverai allegato il Programma definitivo e il volume degli Abstract.

Ti chiediamo per favore di porre attenzione alla seguente raccomandazione:

Fai in modo di avere la tua presentazione (in formato .ppt, pptx, o pdf) pronta prima dell’inizio del congresso. In ogni caso ricorda che dovrai consegnare la tua presentazione al personale STAFF della SALA COMPUTER, che provvederà all’upload sul PC (con sistema Windows) dell’AULA CONGRESSO.

Dovrai consegnare la tua presentazione entro le ore 16:00 del giorno PRECEDENTE quello della tua presentazione.

Se la tua presentazione è programmata per il primo giorno (28 Agosto), potrai consegnarla entro le ore 14:00 di quel giorno.

La tua puntualità e precisione permetterà di far svolgere i simposi nei giusti tempi. Sappi che i Chairs dei simposi saranno rigidi nel far rispettare i tempi che, ti ricordiamo sono di 10 minuti per la tua presentazione più 5 per le domande.

Se hai necessità di un computer, sappi che nella SALA COMPUTER sono a disposizione alcuni PC con sistema Windows con accesso a Internet.

Se hai con te il tuo laptop o comunque vuoi consultare internet attraverso il tuo cellulare, potrai farlo servendoti del collegamento WI-FI predisposto per questo congresso. Eccoti le credenziali:

USERNAME sibe2017

Ti ringraziamo per la tua pazienza e comprensione.

Ti aspettiamo!

Il Comitato Organizzatore

Cristina Compagno M.T.B. – Management of Tourism and Biodiversity  – Elly Travel srl  Mobile Phone +39 3491344831


Dear All,


We noticed that registration and submission rates abruptly increased in these last few days, when getting close to the deadline. In order to let those of you who might still need a few more days to complete their registration and submission, we extended the deadline for Abstracts’ submission and early-bird registration to June 1st 2017. Once again, please check important dates at


We kindly request that all submitters upload their Abstracts on the SIBE 2017 Easychair  Website ( In fact, not all of you did it. Please do it.


We remind you that English is the preferred language for both oral communications and posters. We strongly recommend to present your work in English. However, we will also accept oral communications and posters in Italian.


In a just few days we will upload a tentative programme, which will be defined once Abstracts’ submission is  complete.


Candidates for awards MUST declare their intention to participate to selection and indicate what prize they are applying for. Please revise rules and procedures downloadable from Congress’ website.


We remind you that the Organising Committee will provide 5 (five) free registrations for recent graduates of master’s degree, upon selection. Applicants will be selected based on their master’s theses, which must be explicitly focused on evolutionary biology. Theses must be submitted by July 15th 2017 as pdf file to the following address: We remind you that not-selected applicants who have submitted their theses will anyway be granted with the  “student early-bird” registration fee.


The Italian Society for Evolutionary Biology (SIBE-ISEB) is offering a crash course in Molecular Phylogenetics to be held in Rome August 28th 2017 ( There are still few slots available for those of you that are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity.

We look forward to seeing you in Rome this coming August.

The Organising Committee


Dear All,
It’s now time to gently, yet firmly remind you that the deadline for abstracts’ submission is getting close (APRIL 1ST 2017!).
Please check important dates at


We are glad to inform you that the list of invited speakers for each symposium has been completed:

Advanced models and technologies for the study of Evolution
Chair: Marco Passamonti
Invited speaker: James Mcinerney – University of Manchester

Biogeography and systematics
Chair: Omar Rota Stabelli
Co-chair: Giuliana Allegrucci
Invited speaker: Nicola Segata – University of Trento

Chair: Alessandro Minelli
Co-chair: Giuseppe Fusco
Invited speaker: Paolo Sordino – Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Napoli

Evolution and conservation
Chair: Paolo Ciucci
Co-chair: Gabriele Gentile
Invited speaker: David R. Vieites – Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN), Madrid

Coevolution and symbiosis
Chair: Maurizio Casiraghi
Invited speaker: Francis Jiggins – University of Cambridge

Evolutionary and behavioral ecology
Chair: Andrea Pilastro
Co-chair: Lisa Locatello
Invited speaker: Tommaso Pizzari – University of Oxford

The effects of drift and selection on populations and genomes: expectations and observations
Chair: Giorgio Bertorelle
Co-chair: Silvia Ghirotto

Further details may be found in


The SIBE established the “Doctor Darwin” Prize with the aim to stimulate interest and research relating to the Evolutionary Medicine. The prize consists in the amount of € 1,000 granted to young researchers (up to 35 years old) members of  the SIBE. Rules and procedures can be downloaded from Congress’ website.


The Organising Committee will provide 5 (five) free registrations for recent graduates of master’s degree, upon selection. Applicants will be selected based on their master’s thesis, which must be focused on evolutionary biology. Theses must be submitted by July 15th 2017 as pdf file to the following address:

Not-selected applicants who have submitted their theses will anyway be granted with the “student early-bird” registration fee.


The Italian Society for Evolutionary Biology (SIBE-ISEB) is offering a crash course in Molecular Phylogenetics to be held in Rome August 28th 2017.
The course is aimed at students and young researchers interested in taking their first steps into the fabulous world of Phylogenetics, or to those who want to refresh it. The course is free, but only for members of the SIBE who will attend the Evoluzione 2017 SIBE’s congress in Rome. Registration is on a first come first served basis; participants should send a short motivation letter, and proof of registration to the meeting to before August 1; acceptance will be notified shortly after.
The course consists of 4 sessions of an hour each. Lectures (40 minutes) will cover the basic principles of molecular phylogeny and will be followed by a short tutorial (20 minutes) where the students will analyse a data set provided by teachers (or a small one brought by them). Participants need to bring their own laptop with 3 programs previously installed: MEGA7, the BEASTv1.8 package and TRACER http: // beast. Teachers are Omar Rota-Stabelli (Mach Foundation, Trento) and Andrea Luchetti (Bologna University). The course is in English.

Please, we strongly recommend you to frequently visit our website. New information will be regularly uploaded. Fields with new info available will be marked by the flag: NEW.
We look forward to seeing you in Rome this coming August.

The Organising Committee